Reasons for pending payments


Payments may be on hold by PayPal or Stripe and in these cases the companies provide a reason, we'll show you some possible reasons...:-

  • Multiple currencies in PayPal
  • You may have received payments in a currency different from the currency used in your PayPal account, the seller will have to add this currency to PayPal

  • Check Stripe or PayPal payments
  • In some cases PayPal reviews received payments, usually within 24 hours
    In some cases Stripe will notify the seller that the payment received requires a manual review, and we will let you know.

    In the event that there is a comment on any payments, the system will not process the request, the seller must review the request manually, it will appear to the seller that the transaction pending In the control panel in the orders section,The system notifies the buyer via e-mail


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